Drive up tips and tricks!
These past few weeks have been a test for everyone! That includes us in northern Minnesota at United Community Bank. One change we have implemented in order to maintain safety, is closing our lobbies. We have been forced to do that due to the spread of the COVID 19 virus. Closing the lobby and only leaving the drive through open has changed how people bank.
Our drive up lanes are now seeing 100% of all in person banking transactions. With this increase in demand and pressure we understand that there might be longer than usual lines and delays. We are working as fast as we can while still providing the best service possible.

A few things you can do as a customer to help us:
Deposit slips AND/OR a list of tasks.
- The number one issue that we have had with customers coming through the drive up lanes is they have a laundry list of tasks that need to be done, but they forget or have questions on why they came to the bank. Coming to the bank should just be like going to the grocery store. Take a few minutes, create a list of everything you need done, and then simply send the list to our tellers and they can get to work. If we have questions about a transaction, we will ask.
Please have all checks endorsed correctly.
- We have had a number of issues with checks not being endorsed, endorsed incorrectly or endorsed to the wrong person. Every time we need to send a check back to your vehicle it slows the process down. We are responsible to make sure your money gets to where it needs to go, and by ensuring every check is signed and endorsed correctly you can save some time and hopefully a headache.
Have all documents ready:
- Once you get to the drive through and are waiting in line, pull out all the necessary paperwork and your photo ID. Everything that should be ready to go includes: signed checks that need to be deposited or cashed, account numbers, photo ID, list of all transactions to be made, and deposit slips. Once all those items are in your hand, when you pull up to the window, the transaction has already started in your lap.
Hopefully this list helps to make coming to the bank easier. Please know that we are working as hard as we can to make every visit to the bank as easy as it can be. We relish the opportunity to work with you, and help answer all your financial questions. If you need in person help, do not forget that we available by appointment at 218-346-5700. You can also save a trip by banking online, sign up here.