Meet your lender: Lisa Glynn

My name is Lisa Glynn and I have worked for United Community Bank for nearly 25 years!
Learn all about home loans from Lisa at Mortgage University!
How long have you lived in the lakes area?
I am a transplant from North Dakota growing up in Langdon, ND. My husband Darren and I moved to the lakes area from Grand Forks, ND in the summer of 1996. In August we will have been here 25 years!
What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
My favorite way to spend a day off is any time that I can spend with family and friends. I come from a large family and we are spread out over many states so it is always a good day when we can get together. I really enjoy being the organizer of family get-togethers and holidays!
What originally got you interested in your current field of work?
My previous position before my current role as a mortgage lender was a mortgage processor. This experience gave me the opportunity to work closely with clients and see how the process flows from start to finish.
What piece of advice would you offer to someone buying their 1st home?
I would advise anyone who is looking to purchase a home to meet with a lender to get pre-approved. This is a very important step in the home buying process.
When should you begin the home buying process, whether it’s your first home, your next home, or a cabin?
It is always a great idea to get pre-approved if you are thinking about buying. If you have this step accomplished before looking you are in a great position to act fast if you would like to make an offer on a home. This is especially important in the current housing market that we are in.
Ready to take the next step? Contact Lisa today to start the home buying process!